Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So here i am about to write my first blog entry and i have nothing notable to write about.Cycling right now is kind of dead due to the month of the year.So is work for that matter.So while we are on the topic of the time of the year lets talk about it.HALLOWEEN.By far my favorite holiday of the year.Free candy,little kids dressed up as monsters and such,haunted houses, and best of all women dressing like skanks.No thats not true, my favorite thing is definitely seeing my nephews dressing up and grabbing as much sugar as possible.I would like to mold them to be great trick-or-treaters.They are still young but they absorb information and training like a sponge.Right now its just about fun for them,but in a few years from now they will be eagerly running from door to door to build up their candy stash with hopes that it will last until Thanksgiving.Thats what i want them to learn, something that i like to call The Hustle. This is especially important in our current society due to the fact that people are overly paranoid and cut the hours of Halloween down to about 3 hrs of fun once a year. That really fuckin bothers me. Who the fuck comes up with this shit? Let your children go out and have fun,stay out til they are exhausted and have blisters on their feet because they walked 5 miles in search of candy. I know i did when i was a kid so what the hell happened? Who changed the rules? Do you want your children to come home early and play video games and sit on the couch? They probably dont get enough exercise as it is. But thats another topic I'll tackle some other time.I know all you parents know what I'm talking about because you got the same experience as i did when you were young. This is especially insulting to the homeowners who really go all out for the holiday and deck out their house with extravagant lights,statues, and animatronics.That stuff look the best at night...when the trick-or-treating hours end.So what are we to do to restore this great tradition?I'm not sure but as you can see it bothers me.Now onto the skanks...I love going out with the wife and our friends and looking at the barely legal skuts trying to draw sex appeal.Its fun to talk about them and make fun of their wardrobe choices.We are in fact having a Hallowwen party this year at my house,just a little get together with some great laughs and a few drinks.It is something i am looking forward to because in that time there are no worries and all you have to be concerned with is having a great time and chatting with friends.The wife and I are also going out with my Thursday Nite Cycling friends and their significant others on saturday nite. Our group theme for the evening is ZOMBIES................
...brains....brains.....brains....this is always preceded by our yearly thursday nite costume ride which i have no clue what i am dressing up as.Who knows,maybe I'll just go as a ninja.....

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